vendredi 13 mai 2022



So Reflex (to not be mistaken with another hardcore band called Reflex, but from Germany) is a new band which seems to be based in Lille, France, but features four guys/girls coming from different parts of the country: David (formerly from Chicken's Call and Alarm and now in Maudit Dragon) is from Grenoble (close to the Alps), but the others hail from Lille, Brest and Lanvelec (north Brittany) and are/were parts of some loud punk acts you may have heard of like Litovsk, Kronstadt and Utopie.
Ok this being said let's jump to the music!
  If you're familiar with recent French hardcore punk you probably know that Lille got a great history of hardcore bands (with other French cities like Brest, Nantes, Paris and others...) and if you've heard of Gutter, Années Zéro, Don't Need You and Build Me A Bomb Records you know what I'm talking about.
Obviously Reflex is more influenced by the slightly melodic side (like on Red Sun for example) of the American Youth Crew scene than the previously mentioned bands, I'm thinking of Gorilla Biscuits (not the vocals though) but also of Uniform Choice and the early No For An Answer releases for example. But don't get me wrong Reflex (despite its artwork that can be misleading) is not really a Youth Crew band (no super loud gang vocals here for instance) even if the closest band I can think of comes from the REACT Records stable: Rearranged, from Moscow, whose 2011 EP was successfully mixing early DC influences with a Youth Crew attitude (I listen to a lot less of this kind of hardcore now than I did back in the days, so my references may seem a little out of date). So yes that the kind of mix between different hardcore scenes Reflex is doing (well).
Anyway, it's fast, it's full of energy, there're plenty of mosh parts that will delight all the hardcore maniacs in sweatpants who jump around like Russian gymnasts and the recording sounds pretty good so yes it's a "putain de" good demo! 
Can't wait to see them live ASAP!
You can listen to Reflex on Rien à Faire #34.


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