jeudi 16 avril 2020


Android is a new band from Orlando, Florida, and you can forget the wet summer and the herds of retired guys wearing shorts on the beach... these guys are not here for that...
They have just released Chapter 001, a 6-track nasty hardcore punk fury taking you to a super loud and violent dystopian cyber-punk future where hope is definitly not in the dictionary anymore...
Android it's Philip K Dick on speed covering for Henry Rollins on My War, it's an alternative raw version of Blade Runner if Mad Max was its soundtrack... 

Furious, noisy, full of anger and rage, Android is fast and heavy, crazy and sludgy...
like a bulldozer with a jet fighter engine at full speed in a Carmageddon game.

Android is great.

You can listen to Android on Rien à Faire #9.



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