lundi 4 mai 2020


picture by Mathew Vogels

Punter is a new band from Melbourne, Australia, featuring the guitar player of the Scab Eater. They released a 4-track demo tape in January on Blow Blood Records.

So let's stop here for a sec: Punter is a super impressive, and surprising, band.
That is said.

These guys play some kind of super energic and fast punk rock, almost hardcore (well clearly punk hardcore for most of it to be honest), that they successfully managed to mix with some more 77 melodic parts (the high pitched gang vocals, the guitar etc...)... yes it sounds like an impossible mix, but they just proved that it's not!
 They make me think of a mix between the Flowers of Evil (which is heavily influenced by Regulations of course) and the melanchodique (does that makes sense?) 2000s Portland scene (the Observers!!)... Yes I know that's some fucking great bands I am quoting here!
 picture by Christina Pap

So this 4-track demo tape is a total killer! The recording is great, the singer is amazing and the rest of the band is just nailing it! 

 And I just watched some live footages...
Damn it looks sooo good that, even if I usually only post one live video per band, I am giving you three this time!! (lucky you...)



You can listen to Punter on Rien à Faire #10

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