mardi 9 juin 2020


Do you guys like Negative Approach
I guess you do and these two gentlemen from New Jersey as well!

This 5-track tape released in march (including a cover of NA) is a great example of the legacy of the Detroit band: super loud stomping drum beats, heavy buzzsaw guitar riffs, bass lines you can hardly distinct in the noisy mess and of course the famous brutal vocals that made NA so popular among skinheads.

More recently it also makes me think of the angry french guys of Don't Need You and Gutter (Lille crew!) or Heavy Discipline from Pittsburgh or the first Boston Strangler lp with a more low fi recording... 

Oh yeah these two guys also play in Gel (and at least one of them plays or played in School Drugs), War Records is going to release their tape, Buggy is Tony's cat name and I love the cover art by Jon Mayo...


You can listen to Buggy on Rien à Faire #11

Rien à Faire is on FB

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