samedi 25 septembre 2021

Sex Work


Let's start bluntly: Sex Work is a new band from Berlin, Germany.
A new band made of four guys I can't really figure out but who, I assume, are full of some kind of twisted humor that makes people pose like a lame 70s classic rock band, choose a not so easy name to google at work and deliver some top notch killer punk rock songs...
Because that's the whole point of all that aesthetic twist I guess... to distract us from the whole point, which is, bluntly, that Sex Work fucking rules...
Featuring a few veterans from the German independant music scene, in particular the singer of a trash/fastcore band that people my age might remember which, in addition to being inspired by a cult silly movie, played some pretty cool stuff (Surf Nazis Must Die) and one of the guy behind Big Nuff Studio (he's played in a few bands as well of course), Sex Work immediately asserts itself as a mature group that gives itself the means to provide the quality of its passion (well THAT does sound like some pompous rock review crap!).


 Yes there is something deeply disturbing with this cover but let's move on.
The band recently released a tape featuring three "new" tracks on one side and the two-track Nasal Spray EP (from summer 2020) on the other side (yes tapes have two sides) which gives us a grand total of five tracks so I'll consider it as one release.

And damn... those five tracks rip!
Far from the leather-and-studs scene or any stuck-in-an-era genre (although I don't hold any grudge against these scenes and genres as you do know!), the four Berliners deliver energetic, catchy, fast and interesting songs that can only seduce the punk rock lover buried in your deep self, little fella. 
I mean it's not so easy to describe, the bass is tumbling down from the cliffs with its heavy lines, the guitar brings some air and melodies from time to time while the singer sounds pissed and desperate but never really falls into hardcore-like screams or way-too-cheesy vocals, no it's just perfectly balanced... 
And the recording... the recording is GOOD! It sounds modern but with a vintage touch that recalls the first wave of british "maintream" punk bands and it's good for a change not to bathe in a pool of noise and fury as I've tended to do for a while.

I can't really say that their songs are political, cynical or whatever else but there is for example Dennis Rodman which takes the piss of this has-been basketball player I know only for his weird friendship with Kim Jong-un (and that's definitely enough information to write a couple of good punk songs I guess). There are also Ups & Downs in a Liftboys Life and Nasal Spray which by their titles only will make your understand the kind of lyrics you can expect, and that's perfectly fine to me!
Sex Work is a great modern punk band, it got everything that makes punk punk but also what makes modern modern (damn that's a silly sentence but you know what I mean I hope). And there is another band I can think of that made me the same impression lately, that's Cool Jerks (from England) which blew my mind last year. Both bands have the same intelligent approach of a music that has always been more a medium of expression than a particular musical style (even if it is not completely true) where energy, passion and the desire to "make noise" remain the main ingredients of this potion against boredom and conformism that has intoxicated us all for decades (and for the best).

  Don't avoid it, SEX WORK is THE WORK!

You can listen to Sex Work on RAF#26.

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