jeudi 16 décembre 2021

Ejecución X


This is probably going to be the last review of the year so what's better than ending 2021 with a DIY punk tape from a non-English speaking female-fronted international band?
Well Ejecución X looks a one time thing, the opportunity was there, would have been a shame to not seize it, indeed fate had the good idea to bring together in Barcelona, during the month of September of this year, several protagonists of the South American punk scene with some of the Spanish/Catalan scene, and so when punks meet punks, well, they want to do a lot of things but, most of all, they want to make noise!
The most recognizable is of course the voice of Cromi, from Buenos Aires, who sings in Farmaco, Inyeccion and Covid-SS (another international project featuring people from Chile and Mexico), I imagine that she is very solicited to sing in many projects. There's also a guy from Bogotá (unfortunately I could not find any information about the other bands he may play in) and two Spanish punks from Nueva Fuerza, Ultra, Lumpen, Anarquia Vertical and probably others.

 The five songs were recorded live with a Tascam in September and were released on tape by Atemptat Sonor a few days after (so don't expect them to sound like the latest Foo Fighter album). And the tape is being repressed on Tormenta De Ideas!

What I like in Ejecución X is that it's just pure plain punk with a hardcore twist and doesn't try to sound like anything else, it's just a good old punk demo. The banger on this record is without any doubt the first track, Hipsters pokemones de Internet (great track name by the way), a very catchy bass-driven song and for that one alone I bet this tape sticks out in the heart of a lot of punks this year. The vocals are aggressive in a kind of "hoarse" way (you know, the sore throat style that Axe Rash and Soakie particularly affectionate, who said "too much"?).
The other tracks are more classic in a fast Spanish-speaking hardcore punk way (they're similar to what the other bands lead by Cromi sound like), they're very well-written and sound perfect to start a pogo at your granny's funeral but they're not the kind of songs you're gonna talk about to your best friend after two pints you know. With a better recording they would definitely rip though!
Overall it makes me think a bit of Tozcos and Destruye Y Huye even if the vocals sound quite different, but they're a lot of other bands you can think of I guess (Exotica?).

Anyway that's a pretty cool demo and I'm gonna keep my eyes open for whatever these guys may release in their other bands in the near future!



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