samedi 6 juin 2020

Spam Risk

picture by Ellie Euphoria

Spam Risk is a new trio from Chicago, Illinois, featuring Josh of Jollys who recently released his solo debut as Dry Dreams, Pamela of Blizzard Babies and Pledge Drive and Peter of Yeesh.
The band is playing an interesting kind of soft indy post punk which caught my attention, let's have a look! 

This release can be divided in two separate sets of songs... the mostly male-fronted ones (like Comfort Food, Akaname or Dyson) which are edging with the "innocence" of the indie side of modern post punk bands like Bench Press or Dumb... light guitar, light drum beats, kind of joyful vocals... that's enjoyable sometimes, don't get me wrong! it's just a bit different from the heavy negativity of most of the bands usually featured on this blog!

On the other hand you got the second set of songs, mostly female-fronted, which got under that nice looking varnish a faster and rougher punk core... Einstein, Google Bookchin, Destroy Madness and Fuck The Kids are great female-fronted punk songs with hopping bass lines, rock'n roll guitar riffs and a nice Kleenex vibe... I could think of Child's Pose but that's not really it... well I like it anyway!

So I am not too sure about this tape in the end, there are songs that I like (the "punk" ones of course) and others that I don't enjoy so much, so it's definitly an interesting start and I am curious to see what's coming next even if I need more to be completely convinced.

You can listen to Spam Risk on Rien à Faire #11 

Rien à faire is on FB


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