mercredi 25 novembre 2020



Just a quick one about Arson from Leeds, UK, which released this tape earlier this year.
Featuring ex-members of several UKHC bands like Perspex Flesh, Mob Rules, No Form, Whipping Post, The Wound, The Flex and others that history may not remember, Arson has won the ugly qualifier of all star band on some other pages... Qualifier that I will of course refrain of using here.
Savage Butchery is, as its name clearly states, not a love song compilation.
I mean these guys have obviously dedicated a big part of their life to the search of the ultimate expression of musical brutality and have made this demo an important milestone in that honourable quest. 
  Arson is not making super fast / super short hardcore songs but in the contrary quite "long" and well structured tunes with several breaks and rebounds. And I like when it goes a bit beyond the 1, 2, 3, 4 go! all the way.
No super heavy or modern 90s vibe here either, it could actually sound a bit "weak" (for a hardcore record), the guitars are not too distorted and the drums are definitely pounding it but in a not so in-your-face way... The vocals are probably the most straight forward part, in between cavemen roars and out-of-breath screams the singer is delivering energy and anger with a touch of meanness; yes there is a bit of Rollins in all that.
In the end Tom sings in a less "cavernous" way than in Mob Rules and it sounds better in my opinion.

If you're into super straight forward in-your-face hardcore with smart song structures but a deafening sound... well Arson is for you!

You can listen to Arson on Rien à Faire #15.


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