mardi 3 mars 2020

The Pornography Glows

The Pornography Glows (Porno Glows) is a trio from Chicago, Illinois, playing some kind of 77 rock'n roll punk and featuring the singer of Big Zit.

 Their first release is a 6-track demo which got out in 2016 featuring a cover of the New York Dolls (Trash).
Snotty male vocals with lightly distorted guitars, Porno Glows is clearly on the tracks of the late 70s new york bands. Not mind blowing but quite promising. 

 April 2019, the Porno Glows comes back with a 7-track 12'' EP.
Same recipe but with a better recording, more energy and no songs longer than 2 minutes, this release is a great punk record. 
The vocals are cartoonisher (Ok I understand what I mean) than ever, almost like a Toy Dolls song on Duped Dope (are the Toy Dolls vocals too cartoonish??).


You can listen to the Pornography Glows on Rien à Faire #7.


Rien à Faire is on FB

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