mercredi 6 novembre 2019

Bad Breeding on Tour

Bad Breeding is, in my opinion, one of the most exciting UK band at the moment. Full of anger and rage, there is also a lot of darkness and pain in what the four guys from Stenevage are spitting to your face. Definitly a band of its time (the dark age of the end of the world we are living now for those who still think it's cool era...), I would describe it as a brutal post-punk-hardcore band...

They just released a new great record on One Little Indian a few months ago and they are playing around the US, the UK and France in the coming weeks (and I won't be able to see them..).
Don't miss them if you are in the area... 

You can listen to a new Bad Breeding song and other great punk tunes in Rien à Faire #1.

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